Last January I shared with you my word for 2017... Fearless. This was my first year ever doing this and I said I'd give an update, so here it is!
Now this word definitely affected my year, but not in the way I ever thought. It of course reminded me to try things even if they seemed scary, but it also inspired me to work on a side project that I had been thinking about for a while but NEVER thought I'd actually do. A project that has NOTHING to do with photography *gasp*. I know that's pretty vague, but that's all I'll be getting into on that, for now.
Overall, I felt having a word for 2017 to be a fun and simple way to give the year focus. Although I'm not sure it to be necessary to actually achieve your goals. I personally like to reevaluate goals quarterly (if not monthly) to stay on track.
This year I've set a few intentions, but am honestly keeping goals simple. We're expecting a baby in June, so that will be a big focus for us as we adjust to life as a family of four! Whaaaa?!
A few goals for 2018:
+ Simplify - stuff, food, organization, everything.
+ Practice Gratitude - this is something I already do, but I'd like to take it to the next level by journaling daily.
+ Read More - I was never much of a reader, or so I convinced myself. But after finishing a book the first week of this year (a speed record for me for sure!), I'm inspired to keep going.
+ Outsource - Besides having assistants on jobs, I'm pretty much a one woman show. I'd like to learn to let go of some tasks that I know can be done really well by someone else. (aka: stop being such a control freak;) And with baby #2 on the way it's a good time to start letting go.
+ Self Care - develop a simple self care routine for mind, body, and soul.
p.s. Sorry I've been MIA! Pregnancy is kicking my butt this time around. But the morning sickness is finally lightning up. FINALLY!!
I have lots of work to share from last year, and will do so here in a bit!
Wishing you a beautiful 2018!
What are your methods for tracking and achieving goals?
I'd love to hear!