I love photographing people. It's a love I've had for a long time. And because of that. I'm pretty comfortable doing it. Which is awesome!
But also, not.
Being in a position where we feel comfortable is nice.
We have confidence in our ability to do our jobs and we generally know what to expect, and that's great! but there's a catch... we can't reach our full potential by hanging out in our comfy zone.
We just can't.
Stepping out of my photography box forces me to think in a different way, and almost always teaches me something new in the process. So it's important for me to change things up every once in a while. And although it's not always easy to get up and out of my comfort zone, it is vital in order to move forward.
Photographing matcha isn't something I ever thought about doing until I was asked by Transcend Matcha to shoot their line. I have photographed products before, but it's definitely not in my (professional) comfort zone. Either way, I said yes.
Since Transcend Matcha is based out of Austin, TX and I'm in Phoenix, AZ they mailed me a package of their amazing matcha teas, and I got down to business. Handling the green tea powder, and playing around with the style of the shots was definitely something new for me. I was doing little things that I would've never thought about, like having to whisk the matcha every 30 seconds to give it that "I just made matcha. I promise this is still hot." look. And trying not to get the green tea powder everywhere? umm... yea, about that... I have a whole lot of respect for food and photo stylists. Seriously.
If you're feeling like you're not where you want to be, or you could use a change, or you're just in a creative rut.
Step out of your box!
Try something new, and embrace the uncomfortable. Because as we know, THAT is where the magic happens.
So go talk to that cool stranger. Take the dance class. Write the book. Climb the freakin' mountain!
What ever it is that intrigues you, but also gives you that slight "um, maybe one day" feeling because you're just the tiniest bit scared. Take what ever the next step is towards it and face it head on.
You can do it if you choose to. Pinky promise.