I'm currently working on a little review of our cruise experience (should be up next week!), but today I thought I'd share some snaps I took of Mila on the boat. I found this sailor dress the week before our trip and had to get it. I mean, she was going to meet the captain after all so why not dress for the occasion? (so "mom" of me, I know.)
We went out on the deck right as the sun was sinking into the pacific. I wanted to get some nice portraits of her, but she was too excited, yelling "HI, OCEAN!!!" and was running around in circles. It was also pretty dang cold. So cold, we only lasted like 5 minutes. Maybe 10. Even still, these moments stuck with me. Maybe it was seeing Mila's face of pure joy, or seeing her handsome daddy all dressed up, or that being on the ocean at sunset is magical in itself. These pictures, as blurry and grainy as they are, are so beautiful to me mostly because of the memories they contain.
I'm really thankful to be her mama.
Upon meeting the captain Buddy told Mila to say " Aye Aye captain", so I think our absolute favorite moment of the trip was when she walked up to the captain and greeted him with a very confident "Hi Hi captain!!". That will forever make me laugh.
Have a beautiful week, friends!